10 / 366 – Sometimes (not regularly enough I must admit), I go for a walk around the block with some colleagues. On the way we pass the Luas Bridge in Dundrum. Walking along the Upper Churchtown Road I noticed … Continue reading

10 / 366 – Sometimes (not regularly enough I must admit), I go for a walk around the block with some colleagues. On the way we pass the Luas Bridge in Dundrum. Walking along the Upper Churchtown Road I noticed … Continue reading
9 / 366 – Today’s photo was taken yesterday when we went for a walk through Carton House. I took a few photos and to be very honest was quite disappointed with them all. I took a few photos with … Continue reading
8 / 366 – Went to go visit Helen & John today and as usual Max the Cat was the centre of attention. A great little character, he spent the whole time chasing a stuffed toy attached to the end … Continue reading
7 / 366 – Spent the day taking down all of the decorations and packing them away into the attic, all set for next year. Took the Christmas tree to the local Recycling Centre, much to the amusement of some … Continue reading
6 / 366 – After all the rave reviews we went out and bought a Kindle last night in Tesco. Haven’t had a chance to look at it properly yet as @Karen_ONeill hasn’t let it out of her sight (also … Continue reading
5 / 366 – Went for a walk around the block this lunch time with Micheal Hogan and another colleague. For some reason there were quite a few items discarded along the route including this pair of glasses which someone … Continue reading
4 / 366 – Last night I came home with a whopper of a headache. Unfortunately I was still suffering when I woke up this morning. So today I spent the day confined to the house taking loads of these … Continue reading
3 / 366 – Today was the first time I have filled up with diesel in 2012, with the new 2 percent VAT increase being reflected in the price. As part of Budget 2012, petrol and diesel prices were increased … Continue reading
2 / 366 – Today was my birthday and not only was I spoilt rotten, my parents came to stay and last night was treated to dinner in a local Indian restaurant. It was a bit of a miserable day … Continue reading
1 / 366 – As the old adage goes, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. So I want to start my 2012 Project 365+1 with a good hearty one. One of my usual breakfast haunts is Mother … Continue reading