016 / 365 – On my way home from London today I took this tilt-shift photo of some fellow travellers in Waterloo eagerly looking at the destination boards, waiting for their trains. Tweet
Wating for the Train

016 / 365 – On my way home from London today I took this tilt-shift photo of some fellow travellers in Waterloo eagerly looking at the destination boards, waiting for their trains. Tweet
26 / 366 – Had a chance to get in to Amsterdam this afternoon, on the way to the Van Gogh museum walked past the “I Amsterdam” letters outside the Rijksmuseum. It was very popluar, with lots of people taking … Continue reading
20 / 366 – A quick photo taken while grabbing a coffee in Dundrum Shopping Centre. This is the Yo Sushi restaurant in the ground floor. Always loved the vivid colours of the place, only wish I liked sushi. Tweet
5 / 366 – Went for a walk around the block this lunch time with Micheal Hogan and another colleague. For some reason there were quite a few items discarded along the route including this pair of glasses which someone … Continue reading
3 / 366 – Today was the first time I have filled up with diesel in 2012, with the new 2 percent VAT increase being reflected in the price. As part of Budget 2012, petrol and diesel prices were increased … Continue reading