29 / 366 – Had a very lazy day today, and only ventured out to the petrol station to buy some munchies to eat while watching the new series of Top Gear that starts tonight. Tweet

29 / 366 – Had a very lazy day today, and only ventured out to the petrol station to buy some munchies to eat while watching the new series of Top Gear that starts tonight. Tweet
28 / 366 – Hugely successful, the Dublin Bikes provides a bicycle rental service where people and pick a bicycle from one of the many Dublin Bike stations dotted around the city drop it off any an other. Tweet
27 / 366 – Last day of this trip to Holland, went to visit the great folks in Open Text FDDG. This is the Zuidtoren building in Hoofddorp where their offices are located on the seventh floor. Tweet
26 / 366 – Had a chance to get in to Amsterdam this afternoon, on the way to the Van Gogh museum walked past the “I Amsterdam” letters outside the Rijksmuseum. It was very popluar, with lots of people taking … Continue reading
25 / 366 – After meetings today, we were taken to dinner in the Lloyd Hotel in the Eastern Docklands of Amsterdam. From the moment we stepped in the door you could tell its a very interesting building. We were … Continue reading
24 / 366 – A local radio station, 98FM have a Classic Movie Club where they show classic movies in the cinema. The first movie of 2012 was Trading Places strarring Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, Ralph Bellamy and Jamie Lee … Continue reading
22 / 366 – Went to visit my parents today and saw a familiar sight on the N4, a mobile road safety speed camera. In mind these really have made a difference on this road in particular. I recall many … Continue reading
21 / 366 – Today I managed to get called into work by a customer, this meant I was in down around sunset. Luckily the camera was in the car and I managed to get a few shots of the … Continue reading
20 / 366 – A quick photo taken while grabbing a coffee in Dundrum Shopping Centre. This is the Yo Sushi restaurant in the ground floor. Always loved the vivid colours of the place, only wish I liked sushi. Tweet
19 / 366 – No idea why I took this photo, but walking through the IFSC is spotted this. Along the road there are trees planted at even spaces except for this one. Instead they must have either skipped it … Continue reading
18 / 366 – In protest to the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) bills, many major websites such as Wikipedia, WordPress, Reddit, Boing Boing “went dark” today. Displaying offline or error messages, they provided visitors … Continue reading
17 / 366 – These are the gates guarding the front of a house near where I work. A fantastic piece of art and craftmanship they have always amazed me. Quite often I will ask people who are with me … Continue reading